September 10, 2024 Program: Gun Violence Prevention - Stopping Intimate Partner Deaths & New GVP Federal Focus
The Research Committee discusses the role of firearms in partner violence and goes in-depth on the U.S. Surgeon General's public health crisis advisory regarding firearm violence. Panelists include Julie Kafka (PhD, MPH), Julia Schleimer (MPH) and Cindy Jackson (GAGVF Chair, Moderator).
September 12, 2023 Program: Research to Action - Exploring the Gaps
Grandmothers Against Gun Violence Foundation presents the September 12, 2023 virtual program on the core issues and gaps in knowledge that inspire if not necessitate new research in gun violence prevention. Please view the following forum to hear from gun violence prevention researchers funded by the Foundation. Thank you for your support!
September 13, 2022 Program: Research to Action - Solutions to Gun Violence
The webinar features two research projects funded by the Grandmothers Against Gun Violence Foundation focusing on protection of children and youth from firearm suicide and domestic violence.
June 15, 2021 Program: Firearm Related Domestic Violence - An Update
Dr. Avanti Adhia and David Martin join us to discuss the impacts of firearm-related domestic violence, followed by an announcement of a new research grant by the Grandmothers Against Gun Violence Foundation.